Friday, November 30, 2012

Government isn't at fault!...completely

Previously, I wrote about the effectiveness of our national government. In my eyes, our national government isn’t very effective however it isn’t their fault. Like I said before, our government is the TMZ of politics, they only focus on current issues and completely disregard the prolonged unresolved issues. Even though it may appear that our government is to blame for their inability to solve issues like the reconstruction of New Orleans, in actuality it is the citizens of the United States who are at fault. We as people don’t take a stand and demand our government to help us.  Studies have shown that our government does respond to the needs of the people however, just like any change, our government needs time to respond to the demands of the people.
So is our government truly to blame for unresolved issues in our society today? Not really because we as citizens don't take action and are unresponsive. With issues like Hurricane Katrina, if the people wanted, the government could have spent money and rebuilt cities like New Orleans. However, because there were other issues going on in our nation at the time such as unemployment, the citizens shifted their attention from the disaster left behind from Hurricane Katrina and focused their attention on the more current issues.
The reason why we shouldn’t blame our government is because we as citizens aren’t strong enough to have a dramatic impact on our government. So technically the people are to blame for the infectivity of the national government. We tend to focus all of our attention on current issues and put all the old issues aside. Our government is only partially to blame for this because our government does a terrible job at keeping the citizens informed about the progress made on these issues. If we as citizens become strong and focus our attention on one issue at a time, we would be able to solve most of the issues that are a part of our nation today.
Since we live in a democratic society, it is our jobs as citizens to be informed about the issues and the progress made by our government to solve these issues. If  on some occasion our government is unresponsive, then we as citizens have the right to demand that our government respond to our needs. If our government is responsive to our needs like it says it is, then whatever the people want, the government will do.  

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